

CSI Mission Nursing Institute

Founded in 1913 by Mr. Richard Hickling, a Master Evangelist who motivated his believers and the public to follow the advanced medical system rather than depending upon traditional treatment, the CSI Mission Hospital followed the motto- "Serving the sick and needy". The nursing institute is situated in a vast area of 8 acres, attracting students from all over the country with academic brilliance for the past 22 years.

Nursing in India


As a Church of South India Institution, CSI Institute of Nursing is committed to empowering society by availing financial assistance to bright young minds who are financially less fortunate. The institute recognizes scholarships for meritorious students in academics and co-curricular activities during the course of their academic pursuits. The scholarships are provided by the CSI Trust Association, the sponsoring body of Educational Institutions like CMC, Vellore.
nursing in india


CSI Mission Nursing Institute provides 100% placement support for students. Many of their alumni are currently pursuing their careers in their own Hospitals, other renowned Hospitals, Health Care Centers, and institutions all across the country and abroad.

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