


About Italy

Italy is one of the most popular, culturally diverse, and economically powerful countries in the European Union. The Italian economy is the 4th-largest in the EU, 3rd in the Eurozone, and 8th in the world. Also, Italy ranks highly in life expectancy, quality of life, healthcare, and education. 15 Italian universities come to the list of Top 200 universities all around the world. As it is the world’s fifth-most visited country, studying in Italy will always give you great memories, with the best exposure to quality education. 

Basic Facts

Reasons to Study in Italy

Intakes in Italian Universities

Intakes may vary from university to university. Generally, they are of two times: 

Education System in Italy

Intakes may vary from university to university. Generally, they are of two times:
The university sector- 89 universities and institutions:
The non-university sector – 4 education typologies with their institutions:

Time Schedule for Processing

February Intake:
September Intake:

Visa Application- June to July

Work Rights and Stay back Policies

Cost of Study in Italy