Netherlands is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. From the 16th century onwards, Netherlands had a key position in deciding Europe’s economic stability. Home to many global brands and well known for its excellence in industries like food processing, petroleum refining, manufacture of chemicals, electrical machinery, metal products, and electronics, Holland is a beautiful blend of heart warming countryside and vibrant cities. The country has a highly respected higher education system known for its scientific and engineering programs focusing on producing highly employable individuals. If you are a travel lover, studying in Holland will let you explore many art galleries, strings of cafes, historic monuments, and so on.
Higher education in Netherlands is made up primarily of three different types of institutions:
The higher education system in Netherlands is organized around a three-cycle system consisting of bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. degrees.
The WO (Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs; literally “scientific education”) is a program only taught at research universities. It aims to provide higher learning in the arts or sciences. After the bachelor’s program of 3 years, students can enrol in a master’s program, typically 1, 2, or 3 years or enter the job market.
The HBO (Hoger Beroepsonderwijs literally “higher professional education”) aims to provide higher learning and professional training. HBO is the equivalent of a college education in the United States. After HBO (typically 4–6 years), pupils can enrol in a (professional) master’s program (1–2 years) or enter the job market.
IELTS is not mandatory for most Institutions.