

United Kingdom

About UK

 United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign country in Europe that consists of the nations England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It also consists of many small islands in the British Isles. As the world’s sixth largest economic power and one of the first industrialized countries in the world, studying in the UK is a dream for everyone. 

Basic Facts

Reasons to Study in UK

We are in collaboration with 750+ Universities/Colleges spread across 30+ countries around the world. These prestigious, top-rated, and reputed educational institutions showcase the options of more than 80000 courses to explore in building your future. 

Intakes in the UK Universities

Major intakes:

Also, many universities offer courses starting in March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August, and November


Education System in the UK

There are around 130 Universities in the UK in total. They are classified into:

Traditional Universities ( Red Brick Universities)

They are the most prestigious, high-ranked, and mainly focused on research and specializations. Most popular among them are: 

Modern Universities

They are mainly polytechnics or other educational institutions which got university status post-1992. They focus on applied learning rather than research with industry tie-ups. Most popular among them are: 

Time Schedule for Processing -

January Intake

Time Schedule for Processing -

September Intake

Work Rights and Stay back Policies

Cost of studies in UK


In general, the English Language requirements CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) -is equivalent to a minimum IELTS score of 6.0 with 5.5 overall in each section.